Coming Soon
This page will be updated soon with information on our 2023 Board.

This page will be updated soon with information on our 2023 Board.
Fill out this form to get in touch with our staff. We’ll reply with all the info you need.
Ask us any questions you’d like— we’d love to hear from you!
The Raiders Drum Corps is a program of A+ Education and Performing Arts, a New Jersey 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
A+ Education and Performing Arts
PO Box 8926
Trenton, NJ 08650
Phone: 855-RAIDER-1
Raiders Drum Corps is available for parades, corporate performances, and TV/film productions in the New York and Philadelphia metropolitan areas.
EVERYONE is welcome to audition for a spot with #RaidersDBC. That means you!
We’d love to hear from you — sign up today!